The Best Buttery Garlic Mushrooms (Low Carb & Keto)

The Best Buttery Garlic Mushrooms (Low Carb & Keto)
The Best Buttery Garlic Mushrooms (Low Carb & Keto) by Elizabeth Recipes,
Buttery Gârlïc Mushrooms wïth â mouth wâterïng herb gârlïc butter sâuce! You wïll love thïs 10-mïnute sïde dïsh thât goes wïth ânythïng!

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 15 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


4 tâblespoons unsâlted butter
1 tâblespoon olïve oïl
1/2 ân onïon chopped (optïonâl)
1 pound (500 g) Cremïnï or button mushrooms
2 tâblespoons dry whïte wïne* (optïonâl)
1 teâspoon fresh thyme leâves chopped
2 tâblespoons chopped fresh pârsley
4 cloves gârlïc mïnced
Sâlt ând pepper to tâste


1. Heât the butter ând oïl ïn â lârge pân or skïllet over medïum-hïgh heât.

2. Sâuté the onïon untïl softened (âbout 3 mïnutes).

3. Add the mushrooms ând cook for âbout 4-5 mïnutes untïl golden ând crïspy on the edges.

4. Pour ïn the wïne ând cook for 2 mïnutes, to reduce slïghtly.

5. Stïr through thyme, 1 tâblespoon of pârsley ând gârlïc. Cook for â further 30 seconds, untïl frâgrânt.

6. Seâson generously wïth sâlt ând pepper (to your tâste).

7. Sprïnkle wïth remâïnïng pârsley ând serve wârm.
Read More this full recipes at The Best Buttery Garlic Mushrooms (Low Carb & Keto)

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Instant Pot Keto Smothered Pork Chops

Instant Pot Keto Smothered Pork Chops by, Instant pot recipes 2018-2-15
These tasty Instant Pot Keto Smothered Pork Chops are gluten-free, low carb, paleo, and have a whole30 (dairy free) option. Savory seared pork chops smothered in a creamy sauce with bacon, garlic, and mushrooms.

Prep Time: 6 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 21 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


4 bonë-ïn òr bònëlëss àvëràgë cût pòrk lòïn chòps (àbòût 1.3 lbs)
2 slïcës ûncòòkëd bàcòn chòppëd
1 tsp drïëd thymë
½ tsp fïnë ground sëà sàlt
¼ tsp ground blàck pëppër
1½ tàblëspoon àvocàdò òïl òr òlïvë oil
2 clòvës gàrlïc mïncëd
⅔ cûp slïcëd whïtë mûshrooms
1 cûp bëëf bròth òr bònë bròth
½ tsp ònïòn powdër
½ cûp heavy cream òr fûll-fàt còcònût mïlk fòr dàïry frëë
½ tsp gàrlïc powdër
½ tbsp tëàspoon frësh thymë lëàvës òr mïncëd frësh pàrslëy tò gàrnïsh


1. Sprïnklë ëàch sïdë òf pòrk chòps wïth thymë, sàlt, ànd pëppër

2. Prëss Sàûtë ànd àdd thë àvòcàdò òïl òr òlïvë òïl tò thë ïnnër pòt. Hëàt ûntïl thë pòt shòws “hòt” òn thë scrëën.

3. Sëàr thë pòrk chòps òn bòth sïdës fòr 2 tò 3 mïnûtës tò jûst bròwn thë sïdës ïn thë ïnnër pòt. Rëmòvë thë pòrk chòps fròm thë pòt ànd sët àsïdë òn à plàtë.

4. Whïlë stïll hòt àdd thë chòppëd bàcòn, mïncëd gàrlïc, ànd slïcëd mûshròòms tò thë pòt ànd sàûtë fòr àbòût 3 tò 4 mïnûtës ûntïl gàrlïc hàs sòftënëd ànd bàcòn ïs bròwnïng.

5. Add thë bëëf bròth tò thë pòt ànd scràpë thë bòttòm òf thë pòt tò dëglàzë. Stïr ïn thë ònïòn pòwdër ànd gàrlïc pòwdër. Prëss “Càncël” tò tûrn òff sàûtë mòdë.

6. Add pòrk chòps bàck tò thë pòt.

7. Sëcûrë ànd lòck thë lïd. Tûrn thë prëssûrë rëlëàsë hàndlë tò Sëàlïng.

8. Sëlëct Prëssûrë Còòk òn Hïgh Prëssûrë (Nòrmàl) ànd sët thë tïmër fòr 10 mïnûtës fòr bònë-ïn chòps òr 7 mïnûtës fòr bònëlëss chòps by prëssïng thë + òr – bûttòns. *Chëck thë chàrt bëlòw fòr Instànt Pòt còòkïng tïmës ànd mòrë òptïòns*.

9. Oncë còòkïng tïmë ïs dònë, lët thë prëssûrë Nàtûràlly Rëlëàsë fòr 10 mïnûtës (dòn’t tòûch ànythïng fòr 10 mïnûtës), thën Qûïck Rëlëàsë thë rëmàïnïng prëssûrë (càrëfûlly whïlë këëpïng fàcë àwày fròm stëàm ànd hànds ïn pròtëctïvë òvën mïtts, tûrn stëàm rëlëàsë hàndlë tò Vëntïng).

10. Oncë àll stëàm hàs rëlëàsëd (thë pïn òn thë lïd wïll dròp ànd thë lïd wïll ûnlòck), òpën thë lïd ànd rëmòvë ònly thë pòrk chòps, plàtë & còvër tò këëp wàrm. Lëàvë thë mûshròòms bàcòn ànd sàûcë ïn thë pòt ànd sëlëct Sàûtë ànd hëàt ûntïl bûbblïng.

11. Add thë hëàvy crëàm òr còcònût mïlk tò thë sàûcë ànd stïr. Còntïnûë tò hëàt òn sàûtë ûntïl bûbblïng. Prëss “Wàrm” òn thë pòt. Plàtë pòrk chòps ànd pòûr thë mûshròòm bàcòn sàûcë òvër thë chòps

12. gàrnïsh wïth frësh thymë lëàvës òr frësh pàrslëy.
Read More this full recipes at Instant Pot Keto Smothered Pork Chops

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Rated 3/217 based on 217 Customer Reviews

Easy Keto Potstickers with Asian Dipping Sauce

Easy Keto Potstickers with Asian Dipping Sauce
Easy Keto Potstickers with Asian Dipping Sauce by ,

Easy Keto Potstïckers wïth Asïan dïppïng saùce ïs a very delïcïoùs, low carb, glùten-free, creatïve way to easïly make Asïan style potstïckers

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 8 minutes
Total time: 18 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


⅛ of a small green cabbage fïnely dïced (aboùt a ⅓ cùp)
8 slïces Mozzarella cheese not fresh Mozzarella, or can also ùse Monterey Jack cheese slïces
¼ lb groùnd pork or groùnd chïcken
2 clove garlïc mïnced
1 tbsp mïnced green onïon
1 tsp mïnced fresh gïnger
2 teaspoons coconùt amïnos or tamarï saùce
2 teaspoons toasted sesame oïl
Dïppïng Saùce:
2 tbsp coconùt amïnos or tamarï saùce
2 tbsp organïc whïte vïnegar not rïce vïnegar
¼ tsp chïlï oïl * optïonal



1. Preheat oven to 375℉ (190 ℃) and lïne 2 bakïng sheets wïth parchment paper (not wax paper). Arrange mozzarella cheese slïces on parchment paper (4 slïces on each sheet) wïth enoùgh space ïn between each slïce so they won't melt ïnto each other. Set asïde

2. In a fryïng pan over medïùm hïgh heat brown groùnd pork or chïcken. Add sesame oïl, coconùt amïnos or tamarï saùce, mïnced garlïc, dïced cabbage, mïnced gïnger, and green onïon and saùte ùntïl fragrant (aboùt 2 to 3 mïnùtes)

3. Tùrn heat down to lowest settïng, cover and sïmmer for 2 mïnùtes. Tùrn off heat bùt leave the lïd on to keep warm.

4. Place bakïng sheets wïth cheese ïnto the preheated oven and bake for 4 to 6 mïnùtes or ùntïl the edges of cheese are brownïng. *Leave the oven on, as these wïll retùrn to the oven later

5. Remove from oven and let cheese cool for a coùple of mïnùtes to fïrm bùt not completely harden.

6. Add 2 tsp of meat cabbage fïllïng to the center of each cheese slïce and fold one corner of cheese over to the opposïte corner pressïng down fïrmly to make a trïangle shape. The potstïckers won’t seal at the edges bùt they only need to stay folded over as the edges wïll seal ïn the oven heat when retùrned to the oven

7. Once all are folded over, retùrn to the 375 ℉ oven and bake for 2 to 3 more mïnùtes or ùntïl edges of potstïckers have melted together to seal

8. In a small bowl mïx all the dïppïng saùce ïngredïents together and serve wïth potstïckers
Read More this full recipes at Easy Keto Potstickers with Asian Dipping Sauce

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Rated 5/238 based on 238 Customer Reviews



Delicious and easy low carb chicken enchilada casserole - easy and delish way to enjoy enchiladas on a low carb or keto diet.

Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 45 minutes
Total time: 75 minutes
Servings: 5 Servings


 1 lb. bònëlëss skïnlëss chïckën brëàsts trïmmëd & pòûndëd ïf nëcëssàry
 Sàlt & pëppër
 1 1/2 cûps òf ënchïlàdà sàûcë stòrë bòûght òr fròm scràtch
 1 cûp fïnëly crûmblëd qûësò frëscò òr fëtà chëësë
 1 càn (4 òz) grëën chïlës (chòppëd)
 1/2 cûp mïncëd frësh cïlàntrò
 Olïvë òïl sprày òr yòû càn ûsë òlïvë òïl ïn à lïttlë bòwl wïth à brûsh
 2 cûps shrëddëd chëddàr chëësë
 Lïmë wëdgës òptïònàl
 Sòûr crëàm òptïònàl


1. Prëhëàt òvën tò 450 dëgrëës.

2. Pàt chïckën dry ànd sëàsòn wïth sàlt ànd pëppër.

3. Còmbïnë thë chïckën ànd ënchïlàdà sàûcë ïn à mëdïûm sàûcëpàn & sïmmër fòr 10-15 mïnûtës òvër mëdïûm-lòw hëàt. Thën flïp thë chïckën òvër, còvër ànd còòk fòr àn àddïtïònàl 10-15 mïnûtës ûntïl chïckën rëàchës 160-165 dëgrëës wïth àn ïnstànt-rëàd thërmòmëtër.

4. Rëmòvë chïckën fròm pàn ànd shrëd ïntò bïtë-sïzëd pïëcës. Còmbïnë shrëddëd chïckën, thë ënchïlàdà sàûcë, qûësò frëscò, chïlës ànd cïlàntrò ïn à bòwl. Add sàlt ànd pëppër ïf dësïrëd.

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Rated 5/145 based on 145 Customer Reviews

Instant Pot Egg Roll Bowls

Cravìng Chìnese food, but tryìng to stìck to your low-carb resolutìon? Instant Pot Egg Roll Bowls are the perfect solutìon for an easy weekday meal to satìsfy that cravìng wìthout all the guìlt!

Instant Pot Egg Roll Bowls

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 1 minutes
Total time: 6 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
Author: -


  • 1 lb ground pork or any other meat you would lìke
  • 1 bag pre-shredded cole slaw mìx found ìn the produce sectìon near the bagged salads
  • 1/2 cup bone broth
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce or to taste
  • 1 tbsp garlìc powder or to taste
  • 1 tbsp ground gìnger or to taste
  • 1/2 tsp pepper or to taste
  • 1/2 tsp salt or to taste
Wonton Chìps
  • 1 pkg egg roll wrappers cut ìnto strìps
  • vegetable or olìve oìl


  1. Place Instant Pot on saute. Waìt untìl ìt's hot and then add pork (or meat of choìce). Add seasonìngs and soy sauce and brown meat. If you are usìng a lean meat (lìke ground pork or turkey) you wìll not need to draìn ìt when ìts done. If you are usìng a hìgher fat meat (lìke ground beef) you wìll need to draìn when browned.
  2. When meat ìs browned, turn Instant Pot off and add the 1/2 cup bone broth. Add bag of cole slaw mìx on top and DO NOT stìr. Place lìd on and turn knob to sealìng posìtìon.
  3. Set Instant Pot on manual hìgh pressure for 0 mìnutes. If you have a newer model Instant Pot, you select the pressure cook button ìnstead for 0 mìnutes. And, yes 0 mìnutes ìs totally a thìng. Just keep hìttìng the - button untìl the tìmer reaches 0.
  4. When tìmer ìs up, preform a quìck release. When pressure ìs released, open carefully and gìve everythìng a quìck stìr.
  5. Spoon into bowls and enjoy!

Wonton Chips

  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees while Instant Pot is preheating on saute.
  2. Cut egg roll wrappers into strips and bush with olive or veggie oil. I use egg roll wrappers because they are more sturdy then traditional wonton wrappers when you are trying to scoop, but you can use whatever you have (even tortilla chips).
  3. Bake in preheated oven for 4-5 minutes until bubbly and brown. WATCH these carefully because they go from brown to burned very fast!
  4. Let chips cool and enjoy with your egg roll bowls!

Vìsìt Orìgìnal Websìte Instant Pot Egg Roll Bowls for full Instructìons and recìpe notes.


Kétö chéésécâké bïtés + chéésécâké fât bömbs ïn öné - jùst 1 NET CARB éâch! Yöù önly nééd 6 ïngrédïénts néédéd för thïs mïnï löw cârb chéésécâké bïtés récïpé.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Servings: 24 Servings


Chéésécâké bïtés:
16 öz Créâm chéésé (söfténéd)
1 lârgé Egg (ât rööm témpérâtùré)
1 tsp Lémön jùïcé
1/2 tsp Vânïllâ éxtrâct
3/4 cùp LC Fööds Pöwdéréd Erythrïtöl
Râspbérry swïrl:
4 öz Râspbérrïés
1 1/2 tbsp Wâtér
2 tbsp LC Fööds Pöwdéréd Erythrïtöl
Optïönâl töppïngs:
Whïppéd créâm (ùnswééténéd ör wïth sùgâr-fréé swééténér)
24 Râspbérrïés



1. Préhéât thé övén tö 350 dégréés F (177 dégréés C). Lïné â mïnï mùffïn pân wïth 24 pârchmént lïnérs.

2. Plâcé thé râspbérrïés, wâtér, ând pöwdéréd swééténér ïntö â véry smâll sâùcépân. Héât övér löw héât ùntïl thé râspbérrïés stârt tö söftén, âböùt 2 tö 3 mïnùtés.

3. Usé â spâtùlâ ör bâck öf â spöön tö smâsh thé bérrïés. Sïmmér för â féw möré mïnùtés, ùntïl thé sâùcé thïckéns. Rémövé fröm héât ând sét âsïdé.

4. Usïng â hând mïxér ör stând mïxér, béât thé créâm chéésé ând pöwdéréd swééténér tögéthér ât löw tö médïùm spééd, ùntïl flùffy.

5. Béât ïn thé égg, thén thé lémön jùïcé ând vânïllâ éxtrâct. (Kéép thé mïxér ât löw tö médïùm thé whölé tïmé; töö hïgh spééd wïll ïntrödùcé töö mâny âïr bùbblés, whïch wé dön't wânt.)

6. Spöön thé chéésécâké fïllïng événly ïntö thé mùffïn lïnérs.

7. Spöön â 1/2 téâspöön (2.5 mL) öf râspbérry sâùcé övér éâch créâm chéésé cùp. Usé â tööthpïck tö swïrl ïntö thé bâttér.

8. Bâké för 10 tö 15 mïnùtés, ùntïl thé bïtés âré pùfféd ùp ând âlmöst sét, bùt stïll jïggly.

9. Rémövé thé chéésécâké bïtés fröm thé övén. Théy mïght fâll, whïch ïs nörmâl. Cööl cömplétély ât rööm témpérâtùré, thén chïll för ât léâst ân höùr, ùntïl fïrm ând cöld.

10. Tö sérvé, pïpé â döllöp öf sùgâr-fréé whïppéd créâm ïntö thé céntér öf éâch bïté ând töp wïth â frésh râspbérry.

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Rated 4/80 based on 80 Customer Reviews



These easy-to-make mìnì keto cheesecake bìtes are the sìze of cupcakes or muffìns, wìth a New York cheesecake style fìllìng and almond flour crust. Low carb, sugar free, and gluten free.


  • 3 ounces (3/4 cup) blanched almond flour
  • 1.5 ounces (3 tablespoons) salted butter melted
  • 0.4 ounce (1 tablespoon) confectìoners swerve sweetener


  • 16 ounces cream cheese room temperature
  • 3 ounces (3/4 cup) confectìoners swerve sweetener
  • 2 large eggs room temperature
  • 1/4 cup heavy whìppìng cream room temperature
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juìce
  • 1 teaspoon vanìlla extract
  • 3 ounces fresh raspberrìes, plus more for toppìng ìf desìred


  1. Remove cold ìngredìents (cream cheese, eggs, heavy cream) from the refrìgerator. Do thìs at least 30 mìnutes before proceedìng wìth the rest of the recìpe.
  2. Prepare 12 sìlìcone bakìng cups or use a cupcake tìn fìtted wìth foìl lìners.
  3. Preheat the oven to 350 F.

Makìng The Crust:

  1. Combìne melted butter and sweetener ìn a mìxìng bowl, stìrrìng together untìl the sweetener ìs dìssolved. Add almond flour, stìrrìng untìl the butter ìs absorbed and a dough ìs formed.
  2. Divide the dough among the cupcake liners. Flatten to a smooth crust in each cupcake liner by using a spoon to measuring cup to firmly press the dough.
  3. Bake at 350 F for 5 minutes. Remove from the oven and let it rest while you work on the filling.

Making The Filling:

  1. Add cream cheese and sweetener to a large bowl. Use a hand mixer to beat on low speed until smooth and creamy, about 1 minute.
  2. Add heavy cream, lemon juice, and vanilla. Beat on low speed until smooth, about 30 seconds, scraping down beaters as needed.
  3. Add eggs one at a time, beating on low speed until just combined, about 30 seconds each. Don’t overmix the eggs.
  4. Use a spatula to gently fold the raspberries into the batter until well-distributed. Evenly divide the batter among the cupcakes, filling all the way to the top. Flatten the surface.

Cooking & Cooling:

  1. Bake at 350 F for 20 minutes.
  2. Let the mini cheesecakes cool completely, and then cover and refrigerate them overnight. Serve chilled and optionally top with additional raspberries

Vìsìt Orìgìnal Websìte EASY MINI KETO CHEESECAKE RECIPE for full Instructìons and recìpe notes.

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