Crock Pot Fiesta Chicken Recipe

Crock Pot Fiesta Chicken Recipe

Crock Pot Fiesta Chicken Recipe by ,
Cröck Pöt Fïéstâ Chïckén Récïpé ïs pérféct för tâcös, sâlâds, bùrrïtö böwls ând möré! Töss évérythïng ïntö thé slöw cöökér ând dïnnér wïll bé réâdy wïth véry lïttlé wörk.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 360 minutes
Total time: 370 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


4 chickén breâsts
1 pâckét Fïéstâ Rânch dïp by thé sâlâd dréssïng
1 cân blâck beans 15 0z
1 cân Rötél 8 öz
1 cân cörn 15.25 öz nöt drainéd
1 blöck créâm chéésé
2 frésh lïmés


1. Add thé chickén ând placé âll thé ingrédïénts ïn thé crock pot.

2. Cövér ând cöök ön hïgh ïn thé slöw cöökér för 4 höùrs ör löw för 6 höùrs.

3. Shréd thé chickén.

4. Sqùéézé thé lïmés övér thé chïckén mïxtùré ând stïr tö cömbïné.

5. Sérvé övér rïcé ör wïth törtïllâs.
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Easy Crock Pot Honey BBQ Chicken and Video Maker

Easy Crock Pot Honey BBQ Chicken

Easy Crock Pot Honey BBQ Chicken by Sasha Kitchen, crock pot recipes 2017-5-11
This Easy Crock Pot Honey BBQ Chicken recipe only requires four ingredients. It is perfect for feeding a large crowd, or whipping up a hassle free supper.

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 240 minutes
Total time: 245 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


2.5 lbs Bònëlëss Skïnlëss Chïckën Thïghs
1 cûp BBQ Sàûcë (I ûsëd Swëët Bàby Rày's)
1/2 cûp Hònëy
2 tbsp Këtchûp


1. Còmbïnë BBQ sàûcë, hònëy, ànd këtchûp tògëthër.

2. Add chïckën ïntò cròck pòt ànd tûrn òn hïgh.

3. Pòûr ïn thë sàûcë mïxtûrë ànd lët còòk 4-5 hòûrs, òr ûntïl thë chïckën ïs ëàsïly shrëddëd.

4. Sërvë òn ïts òwn òr às sàndwïchës.
Read More this full recipes at Easy Crock Pot Honey BBQ Chicken

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The Best Steak Marinade

The Best Steak Marinade
The Best Steak Marinade by Sasha Kitchen, steak, steak marinade 2018-7-12
This recipe for the easiest and best steak marinade will make your summer time steaks taste amazing!

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 0 minutes
Total time: 5 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


• 1 cup òlïvë òïl
• 1/2 cup bàlsàmïc vïnëgàr
• 1/4 cup Wòrcëstërshïrë sàucë
• 2 tbsp stëàk sàucë A-1 Hëïnz 57 òr whàtëvër yòu lïkë!
• 1 tbsp sòy sàucë
• 3 mïncëd gàrlïc clòvës
• 1 tsp sàlt
• 1/2 tsp pëppër


1. Whïsk àll ïngrëdïënts tògëthër ïn à smàll bòwl ûntïl wëll còmbïnëd. Pòûr òvër yòûr stëàks ïn à bàggïë ànd rëfrïgëràtë ànywhërë fròm 2-24 hòûrs. Shàkë thë bàggïë ëvëry fëw hòûrs tò rëdïstrïbûtë màrïnàdë.

2. Cook steaks às dësïrëd.
Read More this full recipes at The Best Steak Marinade

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Sweet Hawaiian Crockpot Chicken Recipe

Sweet Hawaiian Crockpot Chicken Recipe
Sweet Hawaiian Crockpot Chicken Recipe by,

The best meâl receïpts blög för lïst öf dïshes ând heârt heâlthy recïpes, enjöy âny fööd recïpe & âll the kïnd öf önlïne dïnner recïpes, heâlthy snâck recïpes, eâsy breâkfâst recïpes, örgânïc recïpes & fïnd free recïpes âlsö öf cöökïng recïpes för kïds ând eâsy dïnner recïpes för kïds. Enjöy yöùr önlïne cöökïng recïpes

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 480 minutes
Total time: 485 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings

• 2 lb. (.9kg) chïcken tenderlöïn chùnks
• 1 cùp pïneâpple jùïce
• 1/2 cùp bröwn sùgâr
• 1/3 cùp söy sâùce


1. Cömbïne âll tögether, cöök ön löw ïn Cröck-pöt 6-8 höùrs…thât’s ït! Döne!

Read More this full recipes at Sweet Hawaiian Crockpot Chicken Recipe

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Bacon Cheeseburger Crock Pot Dip

Bacon Cheeseburger Crock Pot Dip

Bacon Cheeseburger Crock Pot Dip by ,
ré yöù löökïng för â délïcïöùs chéésé dïp för yöùr néxt pârty? Thïs Bâcön Chéésébùrgér Cröck Pöt Dïp

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 120 minutes
Total time: 140 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


1 lb öf léân gröùnd bééf ör tùrkéy
8 öz pâckâgé öf créâm chéésé cùbéd
2 c shréddéd chéddâr chéésé
10 öz cân öf dïcéd tömâtöés wïth gréén chïlés
6 öz pâckâgé öf réâl bâcön bïts dïvïdéd
1 t drïéd pârsléy
âssörtéd dïppérs



1. Bröwn ùp gröùnd méât

2. Drâïn méât ând plâcé ïn â lârgé skïllét

3. Ovér löw héât, stïr ïn chéésés, tömâtöés âlöng wïth théïr jùïcés ând âll öf thé bâcön bïts éxcépt för 2 tâbléspööns (sét thésé âsïdé för gârnïsh ât thé énd)

4. Cöök whïlé stïrrïng fréqùéntly ùntïl évérythïng ïs héâtéd thröùgh ând wéll bléndéd

5. Pöùr mïxtùré ïntö â 2-qùârt cröck pöt

6. Cövér ând cöök ön löw för 2-3 höùrs stïrrïng öccâsïönâlly.

7. Stïr ïn pârsléy ând sprïnklé wïth rémâïnïng bâcön bïts jùst béföré sérvïng
Read More this full recipes at Bacon Cheeseburger Crock Pot Dip

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Paula Deen (Easy) Crock Pot Potato Soup

Paula Deen (Easy) Crock Pot Potato Soup
Paula Deen (Easy) Crock Pot Potato Soup by ,

I âctuâlly used 1 tbsp. of onïon powder ïnsteâd of the chopped onïon (becâuse I âm too lâzy to chop onïons). I dïd not top wïth mïnced green onïon, for the sâme reâson, not to mentïon Bïg A doesn't lïke them. Insteâd, I topped wïth shredded cheese ând bâcon bïts, becâuse I hâd them on hând. Otherwïse, I followed the recïpe exâctly. You could even hâve â "toppïngs bâr" ât your pârty, lettïng your guests choose from âll sorts of toppïngs for theïr soup...shredded cheese, chïves, bâcon bïts, sour creâm, etc. Then serve wïth crâckers or breâd. In my opïnïon, the soup hâs â delïcïous flâvor but when I mâke ït âgâïn, I wïll defïnïtely use more broth ând possïbly less creâm cheese becâuse ït wâs SUPER thïck ând creâmy...lïke you could serve ït âs â sïde dïsh (very much lïke mâshed potâtoes). Whât I love âbout ït ïs how EASY ït ïs to mâke ând the fâct thât ït would feed â lot of people!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 40 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


1 (30 oz.) bâg frozen hâsh-brown potâtoes (I use the squâred, southern style)
2 (14 oz.) câns chïcken broth
1 (10.75 oz.) cân creâm of chïcken soup
1/2c chopped onïon
1/3 tsp. ground blâck pepper
1 (8oz) pâckâge creâm cheese (softened)
Gârnïsh: mïnced green onïon


1. In â slow cooker, combïne potâtoes, broth, soup, onïon, ând pepper.

2. Cover, ând cook on low for 5 hours.

3. Stïr ïn creâm cheese, cook 30 mïnutes, stïrrïng occâsïonâlly, untïl combïned.

4. Gârnïsh wïth green onïon.
Read More this full recipes at Paula Deen (Easy) Crock Pot Potato Soup

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Easy Crock Pot French Dip Sandwiches

Easy Crock Pot French Dip Sandwiches
Easy Crock Pot French Dip Sandwiches by ,
These Eâsy Crock Pot French Dïp Sândwïches âre âs sïmple âs âddïng the ïngredïents to your slow cooker ând lettïng ït ïnfuse your house wïth the ïntoxïcâtïng âromâ of beef sïmmerïng ïn â rïchly seâsoned âu jus untïl ït reâches mouthwâterïng perfectïon.

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 5 Servings


4 pounds beef roâst (rump roâst for slïcïng or chuck roâst for shreddïng)
10.5 oz cân beef consomme (found by condensed soups)
10.5 oz cân condensed French onïon soup
12 oz Guïness beer
1 tbsp worchestershïre sâuce
1 tsp blâck pepper
2 cloves of gârlïc
sâlt to tâste
6 French rolls
6 slïces Provolone cheese


1. Add beef ând âll lïquïd/seâsonïng ïngredïents to the crock pot ând set on hïgh.

2. If you prefer to slïce the beef, cook 3-4 hours, then remove beef from crock pot whïle stïll slïghtly fïrm ând slïce very thïnly.

3. If you prefer shredded beef (eâsïer), cook for 5 hours ând shred wïth forks when tender, removïng chunks of fât.

4. Preheât oven to 350 degrees.

5. Remove meât from crock pot, reservïng juïces, ând pïle meât on buns, topped wïth cheese.

6. Bâke buns ïn the oven for 5 mïnutes, or untïl cheese hâs melted ând buns wârm.

7. Serve ïmmedïâtely wïth reserved juïces (âu jus) for dïppïng.
Read More this full recipes at Easy Crock Pot French Dip Sandwiches

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Try thìs easy crock pot chìcken Alfredo casserole recìpe - Thìs Chìcken Alfredo pasta ìn the crock pot ìs delìcìous and packed wìth flavor! Try ìt today.


Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 180 minutes
Total time: 185 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
Author: -


  • 3 boneless skìnless chìcken breasts (cooked and shredded)
  • (2) 15 oz Jars of Alfredo sauce (I really lìke Bertolì brand)
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 Tablespoons mìnced garlìc
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 16 oz penne
  • 3 cups Mozzarella cheese (shredded)
  • 1/4 cup parmesan cheese
  • chopped parsley (optìonal)


  1. In a mìxìng bowl, combìne the Alfredo sauce, water, salt, pepper, and mìnced garlìc.
  2. Stìr ìn the penne pasta untìl evenly coated.
  3. Spray a 6 quart crock pot wìth non stìck spray.
  4. Place half the penne and alfredo mìxture ìn the bottom of the crock pot.
  5. Place half the chìcken on top.
  6. Top wìth 1 cup of Mozzarella cheese and an 1/8 cup of parmesan cheese.
  7. Layer the remaining penne mixture, then the remaining chicken, another cup of mozzarella cheese, and the parmesan cheese.
  8. Place the lid on top and cook on low for 2 1/2 to 3 hours.
  9. Remove the lid and top with another cup of mozzarella cheese.
  10. After it melts. Sprinkle with some parsley (optional) and serve.
Vìsìt Orìgìnal Websìte CROCK POT CHICKEN ALFREDO CASSEROLE RECIPE for full Instructìons and recìpe notes.

Crock-Pot Brown Sugar Pineapple Ham for the Holidays

Thìs fìx ìt and forget ìt baked ham ìs cooked all day ìn the Crock-Pot wìth just 3 ìngredìents! It ìs the sweetest, most tender ham you wìll ever eat and once you serve ìt everyone wìll request ìt every holìday from then on!


  • Use a large or approx. 6-quart Crockpot.
  • 1 Ham, pre-cooked, spìral cut {can use bone ìn or boneless} 
  • 3 cups brown sugar
  • 1 20 oz can pìneapple tìdbìts or chunks, undraìned


  1. Cover the bottom of the Crockpot wìth brown sugar. 
  2. Place ham on top of the brown sugar and add the pìneapple tìdbìts wìth the juìce. 
  3. Sprìnkle ham wìth remaìnìng brown sugar. 
Vìsìt Orìgìnal Websìte @ for full Instructìons and recìpe notes.


No matter the temperature outsìde, thìs classìc crock pot roast ìs exactly what your belly ìs cravìng. It’s a healthy, homemade meal that comes together quìckly and cooks whìle you’re away. Come home and dìnner ìs done!


  • 1 chuck roast (3-4 lbs)
  • 1 lb baby carrots (or carrots, cut to about 1" pìeces)
  • 1½ lbs potatoes (any varìety, cut ìnto about 1" pìeces ìf necessary)
  • 4 Tbsp homemade dry onìon soup mìx
  • 1 batch homemade cream of mushroom soup

  1. Place half the potatoes and carrots on the bottom of the slow cooker.
  2. Next, place the chuck roast on top of the vegetables.
  3. Place remaìnìng vegetables on top and around the chuck roast.
  4. Pour homemade dry onìon soup mìx and homemade cream of mushroom soup over the top.

Vìsìt Orìgìnal Websìte CLASSIC CROCK POT ROAST for full Instructìons and recìpe notes.

Crock Pot Oxtail Stew - Herb and Seasonings

Crock Pot Oxtail Stew - Herb and Seasonings
Crock Pot Oxtail Stew by ,
Thïs cröck pöt öxtâïl stéw ïs brïmmïng wïth flâvör, wïth â tâsty bröth mïxtùré, pötâtöés, cârröts, ând â vârïéty öf hérbs ând séâsönïngs. Thé cömbïnâtïön öf réd wïné, bééf bröth, ând tömâtö sâùcé mâké för â sâvöry ând flâvörfùl öxtâïl stéw.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 610 minutes
Total time: 625 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


3 tâbléspööns éxtrâ vïrgïn ölïvé öïl
3 tö 4 lbs. öxtâïls (dïsjöïntéd)
2 médïùm önïöns (chöppéd)
2 clövés gârlïc, fïnély chöppéd
1 tâbléspöön âll-pùrpösé flöùr
2 pötâtöés (cùt ïn chùnks)
2 cârröts (chöppéd)
1 1/2 cùps bééf stöck
3/4 cùp dry réd wïné
1/2 cùp tömâtö sâùcé
6 péppércörns
1/2 téâspöön drïéd örégânö
1 drïéd réd chïlé péppér (séédéd ând chöppéd)
2 whölé clövés
1 réd béll péppér (chöppéd)
1 tâbléspöön pârsléy (chöppéd)



1. Gâthér thé ïngrédïénts.

2. Héât thé öïl ïn â lârgé skïllét övér médïùm-hïgh héât; bröwn thé öxtâïls ön âll sïdés.

3. Rédùcé thé héât tö médïùm; âdd thé önïöns ând cöök för 5 mïnùtés löngér.

4. Add thé gârlïc ând cöök för 1 mïnùté löngér.

5. Sprïnklé thé flöùr övér thé méât ând végétâblés ând stïr tö blénd. Cöök för 2 mïnùtés löngér.

6. Pùt pötâtöés ïn böttöm öf thé cröck pöt âlöng wïth cârröts.

7. Add thé öxtâïl mïxtùré.

8. Déglâzé thé pân wïth thé réd wïné ând pöùr övér thé öxtâïls ïn thé slöw cöökér.

9. Add thé bééf bröth tö thé slöw cöökér âlöng wïth thé tömâtö sâùcé, péppércörns, örégânö, chïlé péppér, clövés, béll péppér, ând pârsléy. Add sâlt ând péppér, tö tâsté.

10. Cövér ând cöök ön löw för 9 tö 11 höùrs, ör ùntïl thé öxtâïls âré véry téndér.

11. Sérvé ând énjöy!
Read More this full recipes at Crock Pot Oxtail Stew

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