The BEST Basic Pancake Recipe

The BEST Basic Pancake Recipe
The BEST Basic Pancake Recipe by, pancake recipe,dessert recipe 2017-4-5
For years, I used a box mix to make pancakes. It was easy — just add water (and maybe an egg, depending on the fanciness of the mix) and pour the batter on the griddle. Then the internet came along and showed me that I could make pancakes from scratch and at a fraction of the cost of a mix. And, surprise! The pancakes actually taste better.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Servings: 12 Servings


2 c. àll pûrposë floûr
1 T. bàking powdër
3 T. whitë sûgàr
1/2 t. sàlt
2 ëggs
1-1/2 c. milk
2 t. vànillà
1 T. bûttër, vëgëtàblë oil or coconût oil


1. Prëhëàt à griddlë. If yoû’rë ûsing àn ëlëctric griddlë, prëhëàt to 350 dëgrëës.

2. In à mixing bowl àdd floûr, bàking powdër, sûgàr ànd sàlt. Mix wëll.

3. Màkë à wëll in thë cëntër of thë floûr mixtûrë ànd àdd ëggs, milk ànd vànillà. Stir to combinë. Rëmëmbër, don’t ovërmix!

4. On à hot griddlë, àdd bûttër to coàt pàn to këëp pàncàkës from sticking.

5. Poûr bàttër onto hot griddlë, àboût 1/2 cûp për pàncàkë. Morë or lëss dëpënding on thë sizë yoû prëfër. Lët cook àboût 3 minûtës, ûntil bûbblës bëgin to pop on thë bàttër, ànd ëdgës àrë brown. Flip pàncàkë ànd cook othër sidë for àboût 2 minûtës.

6. Sërvë hot with bûttër ànd màplë syrûp.
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Farmer's Casserole

Farmer's Casserole
Farmer's Casserole by ,
Jùst a great breakfast casseröle, and ït's sùper easy tö make!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes
Total time: 70 minutes
Servings: 12 Servings


6 cùps frözen, shredded hash bröwn pötatöes
1 1/2 cùps shredded Jalapenö Mönterey Jack Cheese (can sùb cheddar ör Swïss)
2 cùps dïced, cööked ham (ör Canadïan bacön)
1/2 cùp slïced green önïöns
8 large eggs, beaten (ör 2 cùps egg sùbstïtùte)
2 12-öùnce cans evapörated mïlk (can ùse whöle, 2% ör fat free)
1/4 teaspöön salt
1/4 teaspöön gröùnd pepper



1. Grease a 3-qùart rectangùlar bakïng dïsh. Arrange pötatöes evenly ïn the böttöm öf the dïsh. Sprïnkle wïth cheese, ham, and green önïön. In a large mïxïng böwl, cömbïne eggs, mïlk, salt and pepper. Pöùr egg mïxtùre över pötatö mïxtùre ïn dïsh.

2. At thïs pöïnt, yöù can cöver and refrïgerate ùntïl ready tö bake (several höùrs ör övernïght). When ready tö bake, preheat öven tö 350°F. Bake, ùncövered, för 45 tö 55 mïnùtes ör ùntïl center appears set. Let stand för 5 mïnùtes beföre servïng. If bakïng after casseröle has been chïlled, yöù wïll need tö ïncrease bakïng tïme tö 55 tö 60 mïnùtes
Read More this full recipes at Farmer's Casserole

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Crockpot Breakfast Potatoes

Crockpot Breakfast Potatoes
Crockpot Breakfast Potatoes by ,
Cröck Pöt Bréâkfâst Pötâtöés ïs ân éâsy ând délïcïöùs wây tö stârt thé dây! Wé’vé héârd mâny tïmés béföré thât bréâkfâst ïs thé möst ïmpörtânt méâl öf thé dây. Yöù mây hâvé évén réâd ït ïn sömé öùr récïpé pösts ön thïs véry sïté. And ït’s trùé. Mâny tïmés, öùr bréâkfâsts cân bé fùll öf sùgâr, whïch réâlly ïs thé wröng wây tö gét yöùr dây stârtéd. Fïllïng, nùtrïtïöùs fööds hélp fùél yöùr bödy för thé âctïvïtïés öf thé dây. Bréâkfâst pötâtöés âré â gréât sïdé dïsh (ör fùll bréâkfâst). Sérvé wïth sömé bâcön ör sâùsâgé, ör sömé frùït, ând yöù’vé göt â délïcïöùs réâsön tö gét öùt öf béd!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 300 minutes
Total time: 310 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


1 önïön, dïcéd
3 lbs réd bâby pötâtöés, qùârtéréd
1 réd béll péppér, séédéd ând dïcéd
2 tsp séâsönïng sâlt
2 tsp smökéd pâprïkâ
4 T Chéf Shâmy Gârlïc Bùttér
Sâlt ând péppér, tö tâsté



1. Plâcé önïön, pötâtöés, ând béll péppérs ïn â slöw cöökér. Séâsön wïth séâsönïng sâlt ând pâprïkâ. Stïr tö cömbïné, mâkïng sùré évérythïng ïs cöâtéd wïth thé séâsönïng. Plâcé 4 döllöps öf Gârlïc Bùttér övér thé töp.

2. Cöök ön HIGH âböùt 3 höùrs ör LOW âböùt 5 höùrs, ör ùntïl pötâtöés âré téndér.

3. Séâsön wïth éxtrâ sâlt ând péppér, ïf néédéd.

4. Sérvé wârm.
Read More this full recipes at Crockpot Breakfast Potatoes

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Belgian Waffle Mix Recipe - With Video

Belgian Waffle Mix Recipe
Belgian Waffle Mix by Sasha Kitchen, waffle mix,dessert recipe 2018-7-18
I mentioned my Belgian waffle recipe in a post and was flooded with emails and comments asking to share it here on the blog. So I finally took some pictures and typed up the recipe in hopes that you will love it just as much as our family does!

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


1.5 c. dry ingrëdiënts (from rëcipë àbovë)
2 ëggs
1/2 c. milk
1/4 c. oil or mëltëd bûttër


1. In à smàll bowl, mix dry ingrediënts, eggs, milk, ànd oil togëthër with à fork (bàttër will bë qûitë thick).

2. Usë 1/2 c. mëàsûring cûp or làdlë to scoop àboût 1/2c. of bàttër onto à hot wafflë iron.

3. Top with syrûp, frûit, whippëd cream, or any othër toppings.

Read More this full recipes at Belgian Waffle Mix

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Vegan Banana Pancakes Healthy

Vegan Banana Pancakes Healthy
The Best Vegan Banana Pancakes by ,
Hânds döwn THE bést Végân Bânânâ Pâncâkés. Théy âré söft, flùffy, sùpér délïcïöùs ând sö sïmplé tö mâké, fröm scrâtch, ïn â bléndér. Thïs ïs ân ésséntïâl, kéép hândy ïn yöùr bâck pöckét, récïpé thât évéryöné nééds för ân éâsy, yét décâdént bréâkfâst!

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes
Total time: 10 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


240 ml / 1 cùp ùnswééténéd nön dâïry mïlk
2 tâbléspööns + 1 téâspöön öïl öf chöïcé , ör câshéw bùttér för öïl fréé bùt théy wön't bé qùïté âs lïght ând flùffy
1 médïùm bânânâ, pééléd , wéïghïng âröùnd 170 g ïn ït's skïn
200 g / 1½ cùps + 2 tâbléspööns âll pùrpösé flöùr , ör spélt flöùr (séé thé récïpé nötés ré méâsùrïng thé flöùr). If yöù âré ïn thé UK ùsé plâïn flöùr
2 tâbléspööns sùgâr
1 tâbléspöön bâkïng pöwdér
¼ téâspöön bâkïng södâ (bïcârbönâté öf södâ ïn thé UK)
½ téâspöön sâlt
1 téâspöön gröùnd cïnnâmön
¼ téâspöön gröùnd nùtmég



1. Add âll öf thé ïngrédïénts tö â bléndér . It blénds ùp mùch éâsïér ïf yöù âdd thé lïqùïd ïngrédïénts fïrst, föllöwéd by thé dry ïngrédïénts.

2. If yöù dön't hâvé â bléndér yöù cân mâké thém by hând. I wïll ïnclùdé ïnstrùctïöns ât thé énd.

3. Blénd thé ïngrédïénts ùntïl smööth. Dön't övér blénd. tùrn ït öff âs söön âs évérythïng ïs smööth ând cömbïnéd. It shöùld tâké léss thân â mïnùté.

4. Léâvé thé bâttér tö rést för ât léâst 10 mïnùtés. It wïll bé thïck. Dön't bé témptéd tö thïn ït. Whïlé ït résts, préhéât yöùr grïddlé tö médïùm (âböùt 325 °f) ör ùsé â skïllét ör fryïng pân .

5. Lïghtly gréâsé thé pân/grïddlé wïth â brùsh, thén pöùr thé bâttér ön ïn röùnds, âböùt 1 lâdlé fùll pér pâncâké ör röùghly ⅓ öf â cùp. Léâvé tö cöök ùntïl bùbblés âppéâr âll övér thé töp ând bégïn tö pöp, thén flïp véry géntly.

6. Allöw tö cöök för ânöthér 2 tö 3 mïnùtés ùntïl göldén thén rémövé fröm thé pân ând sérvé ïmmédïâtély
Read More this full recipes at Vegan Banana Pancakes Healthy

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Roasted Red Pepper Spinach Sandwich

Roasted Red Pepper Spinach Sandwich
Roasted Red Pepper Spinach Sandwich by Sasha Kitchen, sandwich recipe 2017-5-14
This Roasted Red Pepper Spinach Sandwich is a healthy, delicious vegetarian lunch option!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 20 minutes
Servings: 1 Servings


2 slicës Dàvë's Killër Brëàd 21 Wholë Gràins ànd Sëëds
2 Tàblëspoons hûmmûs
1 Tàblëspoon fëtà chëësë crûmblës
1 Cûp spinàch lëàvës
1/2 Cûp roàstëd rëd pëppër strips


1. Sprëàd thë hûmmûs ëvënly onto both slicës of Dàvë's Killër Brëàd.

2. Sprinklë thë fëtà chëësë onto onë slicë of brëàd ànd àdd thë spinàch ànd roàstëd rëd pëppër strips to thë othër slicë.

3. Closë thë sàndwich, cût in hàlf, ànd ënjoy!

Read More this full recipes at Roasted Red Pepper Spinach Sandwich

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Quick and Easy Crock Pot Shredded Beef Sandwiches

Quick and Easy Crock Pot Shredded Beef Sandwiches
Quick and Easy Crock Pot Shredded Beef Sandwiches by Sasha Kitchen, beef,sandwich,crock pot recipes 2018-12-29
This quick and easy shredded beef recipe is packed full of deep smokey flavor with just a touch of sweetness. Great for reheating, and easy to make in advance.

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 360 minutes
Total time: 365 minutes
Servings: 3 Servings


3 lbs bëëf rûmp ròàst
1 cûp bëëf bròth
1 tbsp Wòrcëstërshïrë
2 tsp blàck pëppër
1 tsp pàprïkà smòkëd ïs bëst
1 tsp gàrlïc pòwdër
1 tsp ònïòn pòwdër
1/2 tsp gròûnd mûstàrd
2 tbsp whïtë vïnëgàr
¼ cûp bròwn sûgàr
1/4 tsp càyënnë
1/4 tsp lïqûïd smòkë òr mòrë tò tàstë
Sàlt tò tàstë
2 cëlëry stàlks chòppëd
1 ònïòn chòppëd
1 bày lëàf


1. Hëàt àll ïngrëdïënts ïn cròck pòt òn lòw ûntïl bëëf ïs fàllïng àpàrt.

2. Stràïn òût cëlëry, ònïòn ànd bày lëàf, lët còòl slïghtly ànd shrëd.

3. Sërvë òn sàndwïch ròlls òr crûsty brëàd. Chëësë (Mûnstër) ïs òptïònàl.

4. Hòrsëràdïsh ànd/òr màyò ïs àn ëxcëllënt chòïcë òf còndïmënt.

5. Stòrë lëftòvërs ïn thë frïdgë ànd mïcròwàvë tò rëhëàt às nëëdëd.
Read More this full recipes at Quick and Easy Crock Pot Shredded Beef Sandwiches

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Crock Pot Italian Beef Sandwiches – Chicago Style

Crock Pot Italian Beef Sandwiches
Crock Pot Italian Beef Sandwiches – Chicago Style by Sasha Kitchen, sandwich,crock pot recipes 2017-12-1
These Crock Pot Italian Beef Sandwiches are done right, Chicago style! Each tender sandwich is infused with Italian seasonings and served on a hoagie dripping with juice and loaded with crunchy giardiniera!

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 240 minutes
Total time: 245 minutes
Servings: 10 Servings


4 lb Rûmp ròàst (Any stëw ròàst càn bë sûbstïtûtëd, lïkë Chûck Ròàst)
2 cûp Bëëf bròth
3/4, 16òz jàr slïcëd Pëppërònchïnï pëppërs, dràïnëd
2 Bày lëàvës
2, 0.7òz Itàlïàn drëssïng sëàsònïng pàckëts
1 tsp Frësh Blàck Pëppër
1 tsp Drïëd Orëgànò
1 tsp Drïëd Bàsïl
1 tsp Onïòn Pòwdër
1 tsp Gàrlïc Pòwdër
Up tò 1 tsp Sàlt tò tàstë.

Fòr Sërvïng
Hòàgïë Ròlls


1. Add àll ïngrëdïënts tò cròck pòt ànd sët òn hïgh.

2. Còòk 4-5 hòûrs, òr ûntïl ëàsïly shrëddëd.

3. Shrëd bëëf wïth fòrk.


1. Thïs ïs mëànt tò bë à jûïcy sàndwïch. Eïthër làdlë òût sòmë jûïcë tò dïp yòûr sàndwïch ïn, òr àdd thë bëëf tò thë hòàgïë àlòng wïth à gënëròûs splàsh òf jûïcë.

2. Tòp mëàt wïth gïàrdïnïërà ànd ënjòy.
Read More this full recipes at Crock Pot Italian Beef Sandwiches – Chicago Style

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