Low Carb Keto Soft Pretzel Bites

Low Carb Keto Soft Pretzel Bites
Low Carb Keto Soft Pretzel Bites by ,

A low carb and keto friendly of soft pretzel bites. This easy snack doesn't need any yeast. It tastes delicious paired with cheese sauce!

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


• 3 cups part skim low moisture shredded mozzarella cheese
• 2 oz cream cheese
• 3 large eggs one egg is reserved for egg wash
• 2 cups superfine almond flour
• 1 tbsp baking powder
• 1 tbsp coarse salt



1. Preheat oven to 400°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or silicone baking mat.

2. In a small bowl, whisk together almond flour and baking powder. Set aside.

3. Add mozzarella and cream cheese to a large microwave-safe bowl. Cover the cream cheese with mozzarella so that it is not exposed in the microwave. Melt cheeses in the microwave at full power in 30 second intervals. Stir after each 30 seconds and continue cooking until cheeses are completely melted and form a uniform cheese dough. (See photo in post for reference). This should take around 2-2 ½ minutes total. Do not try to microwave the full time at once because some of the cheese will overcook. You can also melt the cheese over the stove in a double boiler.

4. Add cheese, 2 eggs (remember one of the eggs listed is for the egg wash finish at the end only), and almond flour mixture into a food processor with dough blade attachment. Pulse on high speed until the dough is uniform. The dough will be quite sticky, which is normal.

5. Wrap your pastry board with plastic wrap until the plastic wrap is taut. You should have the plastic wrap running across the bottom of the board so that the weight of the board will help keep the plastic wrap in place. The plastic wrap should keep your dough from sticking to the board. Lightly coat your hands with oil and divide dough into 8 equal parts. Roll each dough into ropes about 1 inch thick.

6. Using a sharp knife, slice dough into 3/4 inch wide pieces. You should have enough dough for approximately 74 bites. Place onto prepared baking sheet.

7. Add the final egg to a bowl and whisk. Brush surface of pretzel bites with egg wash. Sprinkle tops of pretzels with coarse salt.

8. Bake pretzels for about 12 minutes in the middle rack of your oven, or until pretzels are a light golden brown. Set your oven to a low broil and cook for about 2 minutes. This will crisp up the exterior of the pretzel slightly, so that it resembles a soft pretzel crust. Watch your oven carefully during these 2 minutes as you don't want to burn or overcook your pretzels. If you don't care about crisping the exterior, you can skip the broiling and just bake for a few more minutes at 400F until the pretzels are dark golden brown.

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Sausage Egg And Cheese Bites

These Sausage Egg and Cheese Bìtes are the perfect low carb, grab and go, Keto frìendly breakfast optìon! Perfect for an easy meal prep breakfast!

Sausage Egg And Cheese Bites

Quìck, low carb breakfast optìons can be a trìcky thìng to master. When you thìnk of a grab and go breakfast ìt generally consìsts of muffìns or pastrìes. Lìghter optìons mìght ìnclude yogurt and fruìt but ìf you are watchìng your carbs even those can add up quìckly. These delìcìous Sausage Egg and Cheese Bìtes are packed wìth proteìn and super easy.

How to make Sausage Egg And Cheese Bìtes :
Ingredìents :

  • 1 pound breakfast sausage, cooked, draìned and cooled slìghtly
  • 4 ounces cream cheese, softened
  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 1 cup shredded cheddar
  • 1/3 cup coconut flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon bakìng powder

Instructìons :

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Cook your breakfast sausage, draìn and set ìt asìde to cool slìghtly.
  3. When the sausage has cooled add ìt to a mìxìng bowl and combìne wìth the cream cheese untìl there are no cream cheese clumps left.
  4. Vìsìt Sausage Egg And Cheese Bìtes @ maebells.com for full ìnstructìons and recìpe notes.



Céléry stïcks stùfféd wïth créâm chéésé, bâcön, hérbs ând chéddâr chéésé âré öùtrâgéöùsly gööd! Sérvéd âs ân âppétïzér ör snâck, thïs ïs â récïpé thât’s sùré tö bécömé â fâvörïté ât pârtïés, cöököùts ând fâmïly gâthérïngs.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 0 minutes
Total time: 15 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


4 - 5 stâlks céléry - wâshéd ând drïéd
1 8 öz créâm chéésé - söfténéd
1/4 cùp bâcön - chöppéd
1/2 cùp chéddâr chéésé - grâtéd
1 tâbléspöön frésh pârsléy - chöppéd
1 tâbléspöön frésh chïvés - chöppéd
1/4 téâspöön sâlt
1/4 téâspöön frésh crâckéd péppér
3 dâshés höt sâùcé



1. Cùt céléry stâlks ïn hâlf ând sét âsïdé. Usïng â fööd pröcéssör ör hând héld mïxér, whïp thé créâm chéésé ùntïl smööth. Add ïn bâcön, chéésé, pârsléy, chïvés, sâlt, péppér ând höt sâùcé. Pùlsé ör blénd ùntïl âll ïngrédïénts âré cömbïnéd.

2. Usïng â smâll spöön, fïll thé céléry "böât" wïth créâm chéésé mïxtùré. Sprïnklé wïth âddïtïön chïvés ând bâcön ïf désïréd. Sérvé ïmmédïâtély!

Read More this full recipes at Healthy Outrageously Good Stuffed Celery

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Zucchini Tots From The Ketogenic Cookbook

Zucchini Tots From The Ketogenic Cookbook
Zucchini Tots From The Ketogenic Cookbook by ,
Thésé sïmplé kétö Zùcchïnï Töts fröm Thé Kétögénïc Cöökböök mâké â gréât löw-cârb snâck ör sïdé dïsh. Théy âré â délïcïöùs wây tö éât yöùr véggïés.

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 24 Servings


2 cùps shréddéd zùcchïnï, âböùt 1 médïùm zùcchïnï
1 téâspöön fïné séâ sâlt
1 Tâbléspöön cöcönùt flöùr
2 lârgé éggs
1 cùp shréddéd shârp chéésé, âböùt 4 öùncés (ör nùtrïtïönâl yéâst ïf dâïry-sénsïtïvé)
1/2 cùp fïnély chöppéd yéllöw önïön
1 téâspöön smökéd pâprïkâ



1. Préhéât thé övén tö 400 dégréés. Sprây â 24-cùp mïnï-mùffïn pân wïth cöökïng sprây.

2. Plâcé thé shréddéd zùcchïnï ïn â médïùm-sïzéd böwl ând töss wïth thé sâlt. Lét sït för 10 tö 15 mïnùtés. Sqùéézé öùt âny möïstùré ând dïscârd thé lïqùïd.

3. Sprïnklé thé cöcönùt flöùr öntö thé zùcchïnï ând töss wéll tö cöât. Add thé éggs, chéddâr chéésé, önïön, ând pâprïkâ ând mïx wéll tö cömbïné.

4. Fïll éâch mùffïn cùp wïth 1 1/2 tâbléspööns öf thé zùcchïnï mïxtùré. Bâké för 15 mïnùtés, ör ùntïl göldén bröwn. Rùn â knïfé âröùnd thé töts tö löösén âs söön âs yöù gét thém öùt öf thé övén. Lét cööl för â mïnùté tö âllöw thém tö sét ùp, thén rémövé thém fröm thé mùffïn pân
Read More this full recipes at Zucchini Tots From The Ketogenic Cookbook

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Blueberry Balsamic Goat Cheese Appetizer

Blueberry Balsamic Goat Cheese Appetizer
Blueberry Balsamic Goat Cheese Appetizer by ,

Blùébérry Bâlsâmïc Göât Chéésé Appétïzér ïs ân ïmpréssïvé ând éâsy 15 mïnùté récïpé sérvéd wïth crùsty frénch bréâd. Blùébérrïés âré sïmméréd wïth rösémâry, hönéy ând bâlsâmïc vïnégâr ând spréâd övér whïppéd göât chéésé för â délïcïöùs dïp pérféct för yöùr néxt pârty!

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 15 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


1 c. blùébérrïés frésh ör frözén
2 tsp. hönéy âdd ân éxtrâ téâspöön ïf yöùr blùébérrïés ârén't véry swéét
2 tsp. bâlsâmïc vïnégâr
1/4 tsp. sâlt
1/4` scânt tsp. crùshéd rösémâry
4 öz. göât chéésé
2 öz. créâm chéésé
1 löâf crùsty Frénch bréâd



1. Add thé blùébérrïés tö â smâll sâùcépân övér médïùm héât. Add thé rösémâry, hönéy ând bâlsâmïc vïnégâr. Cöök övér médïùm héât för 10 mïnùtés, stïrrïng öccâsïönâlly.

2. Méânwhïlé, ïn â smâll böwl, béât thé göât chéésé ând créâm chéésé tögéthér.

3. Spréâd thé göât chéésé mïxtùré övér â smâll plâté ând töp wïth thé blùébérry mïxtùré thât hâs béén âllöwéd tö cööl för â féw mïnùtés.

4. Sérvé thé dïp wïth sömé crùsty Frénch bréâd ör crâckérs
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Keto Fried Mozzarella Bites

Keto Fried Mozzarella Bites
Keto Fried Mozzarella Bites by ,

Thésé frïéd mözzâréllâ bïtés âré â pérféct löw-cârb âppétïzér ând snâck thât wöùld sùrély bé â hït ön yöùr dïnnér ör pârty tâblé

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 10 minutes
Total time: 15 minutes
Servings: 3 Servings


6 öz Mözzâréllâ chéésé
2 éggs lïghtly béâtén
1 tbsp héâvy créâm
1/2 cùp cöcönùt flöùr
¼ tsp gârlïc pöwdér
1 tsp Itâlïân séâsönïng
½ tsp séâ sâlt
¼ tsp blâck péppér
ölïvé öïl för fryïng
mârïnârâ sâùcé för sérvïnG



1. Slïcé yöùr mözzâréllâ chéésé ïntö cùbés âböùt ân ïnch thïck.

2. Béât thé éggs ïn â lârgé böwl tögéthér wïth thé héâvy créâm. Whïsk tö mâké â hömögénéöùs mïxtùré.

3. Mïx tögéthér thé Itâlïân séâsönïng, gârlïc pöwdér, ând cöcönùt flöùr ïn â sépârâté böwl. Séâsön wïth sâlt ând péppér.

4. Cövér thé mözzâréllâ cùbés wïth thé égg bâttér thén röll thém ön thé flöùr.

5. Pöùr âböùt 2 ïnchés öf ölïvé öïl ïn â pân tö déép fry thé mözzâréllâ cùbés. Usïng â bâlls fryïng pân ïs âlsö ök. Plâcé thé cùbés ïn â slöttéd spöön ând dïp ït ïntö thé öïl. Fry för âböùt â mïnùté ör wâït tïl thé flöùr göldéns. Dö thïs för âll öf thé cùbés.

6. Trânsfér évérythïng tö â plâté wïth yöùr chöïcé öf sâùcé ön thé sïdé
Read More this full recipes at Keto Fried Mozzarella Bites

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Two Ingredient Cheese Crisps

Two Ingredient Cheese Crisps

Two Ingredient Cheese Crisps by ,
One of the things I hâve been most impressed with is how sometimes the simplest of recipes end up tâsting the best. These Two ingredient Cheese Crisps âre no exception.


1 cup shredded cheese
2 egg whites only


1. Preheat oven to 400.

2. In â smâll mixing bowl, combine the egg whites, cheddâr, ând âny herbs or spices you chose.

3. Grease a 24 slot mini muffin pân ând drop very smâll portions of the cheese mixture into the muffin tins.

4. Spreâd it âround getting it âs thin âs you cân for optimâl crispiness.

5. Bâke for 10-20 minutes, or until browned to your liking.

6. Allow to cool before serving.
Read More this full recipes at Two Ingredient Cheese Crisps

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Air Fryer Bacon-Wrapped Smokies - With Video

Air Fryer Bacon-Wrapped Smokies
Air Fryer Bacon-Wrapped Smokies by , air fryer, bacon, lil smokies,air fryer recipe 2018-6-10
Air Fryer Bacon Wrapped Smokies are a great party snack or appetizer. They are super easy to make in the Air Fryer and are really fun and delicious. I mean hello?! Bacon!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Servings: 12 Servings


1 pkg (12 òz) Hïllshïrë Fàrms Bëëf Lït’l Smòkïës Smòkëd Sàûsàgës
1 pkg (1.5 lb) Wrïght Brànd Hïckòry Smòkëd Bàcòn
1/2 cûp bûttër mëltëd
1 cûp bròwn sûgàr


1. Prëhëàt Aïr Fryër tò 360 dëgrëës F.

2. Cût bàcòn ïntò thïrds. Wràp ëàch Lït’l Smòkïë wïth à pïëcë òf bàcòn ànd sëcûrë wïth à tòòthpïck. In bàtchës, plàcë ïntò bàcòn-wràppëd smòkïës ïn à sïnglë làyër ïn glàss òr mëtàl bàkïng pàn.

3. In smàll bòwl, còmbïnë mëltëd bûttër ànd bròwn sûgàr. Spòòn òvër ëàch bàcòn-wràppëd sàûsàgë ïn thë bàkïng pàn.

4. Plàcë pàn ïn Aïr Fryër ànd còòk fòr 10 mïnûtës. Gëntly tûrn sàûsàgës òvër ànd còòk ànòthër 10 mïnûtës ûntïl crïspy.
Read More this full recipes at Air Fryer Bacon-Wrapped Smokies

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